
WFV, Indoor Meeting, 24th January 2012

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Wed, 25th Jan 2012, 5:33am
17 of us gathered at the Unitarian church for our annual New Year meeting which took the usual format. We indulged in a tasty and varied buffet lunch before enjoying Margaret's presentation of digital images taken on field trips throughout 2011. They evoked many happy memories. Joan followed by presenting information on the visits planned for the 2012 programme. Julia then took us through some administrative matters and invited those who were interested to particpate in a half day computer training session. Copies of the excellent Bees diary for 2011 were distributed. Our session was rounded off by group participation in a word search devised by Alice. Our worthy winner was Sue. The group returned home well fed and stimulated looking forward to the Bees year ahead.


WFV, New Year Walk, Colne Valley, 10th January, 2012

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Fri, 13th Jan 2012, 9:26pm
Sheep SculpturesSheep SculpturesThirteen people were on the new year walk led by Peter. Usually we associated our new years' walks with icy conditions but it was relatively mild and the day started bright and sunny if a little bracing. Our starting point was Marsden - a historic mill town on the edge of Yorkshire where we parked close to the railway station. After making use of the facilities in the town we headed for the towpath of the Huddersfield narrow canal. En route we stopped at the burial ground opposite St Bartholomew's church where Peter talked about some of the history of this mill town. This burial ground was the site of the original church. Beyond the church we crossed Mellor's Bridge, a quaint little packhorse bridge over the River Colne. We picked up the towpath of the Huddersfield narrow which we followed to the Standedge tunnel, the longest canal tunnel in Britain. From here we headed uphill to Butterley reservoir and followed the grassy path alongside the stream where there was an abundance of hart's tongue ferns. The weather was turning damper and colder. Very fine rain turned to persistent drizzle and without the sun the temperature took a noticeable dip. We spotted a flock of long-tailed tits. We walked a short distance on the road beside the river where we had excellent views of a dipper. DipperDipperWe left the road again to continue along the grassy streamside path. A hovering kestrel was sighted. Our lunch stop left us feeling very chilled and we eagerly headed back. The yaffle of a woodpecker was heard. On arriving back in Marsden we were given the option of either continuing to walk along the canal in the other direction or heading in to the village for a hot drink. It was not a difficult choice. We departed at about 3.15pm. The group seemed to be very impressed with the character of this town and many expressed an interest in returning to explore further. Many thanks to Peter for leading the walk and sharing some of the history of Marsden.


BEES Christmas meal 13th December 2011

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Thu, 22nd Dec 2011, 6:40pm
Our Christmas celebrations took the traditonal format. We met at 10am at the Unitarian church hall for tea/coffee and presentations given by Margaret and Stuart. Margaret's presentation was entitled "Across the North Face of the Eiger- the flowers and scenery of the Bernese Oberland". Margaret showed us her pictures of the wonderful flowers of the alps. They included images of the trumpet and spring gentian, the white and yellow pasque flower, the alpine forget me not, the alpine snowbell, the lady's slipper orchid. martagon lily and snowdon lily to name but a few.The flowers were growing in the magnificent backdrop of the mountains the Eiger and Jungfrau. Stuart complemented this presentation by taking us on an adventure down under to Tasmania and the north Island of New Zealand. His talk could have been entitled "In the steps of Samuel Marsden " a wool merchant/entrepreneur and clergyman who orginated from the Leeds area and had ventured to Tasmania and the North island of New Zealand.Thanks go to both for entertaining us so well. We climbed the heights to Thornton to enjoy our meal at the Raggalds. we were joined by several guests as well as regular supporters of the group. Margaret

WFV, Fairburn Ings, 29th November 2011

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Tue, 29th Nov 2011, 5:10pm
The day dawned windy and rain was forecast for the afternoon but an almost full minibus left Bradford with hopes that we might be lucky and have a productive day. We were not disappointed as by the time the rain came 15 minutes before we were due to depart we had recorded 47 bird species.Willow Tit, Fairburn Ings: It was a treat to see two willow tits busying themselves with nest-building in a hole in a small tree stump at Fairburn Ings.Willow Tit The plan for the day, to walk on the new riverside path between Lin Dyke hide and the visitor centre, was abandoned due to the muddy state of the path and we took the minibus to Lin Dyke instead and spent an hour there where we found a few curlews in amongst different ducks and geese and got a mesmerisingly fleeting glimpse of a pintail but could not find any long-eared owls - reports of their presence this season have not yet been convincing. We returned to the visitor centre for an alfresco lunch and then the party split up; David walking round the whole reserve, some staying close to the visitor centre and some going as far as the village bay hide where we were able to find another pintail sheltering from the wind. Redwings came and went throughout our visit and kingfisher, goldeneye, green woodpecker, grey partridge (spotted in a field just before the reserve), red-legged partridge and willow tit were perhaps the other highlights of the day. Everyone was under some shelter when we had a very heavy downpour just before we left but the weather cleared and we had a lovely pink sky over the Pennines at sunset as we headed happily back to Bradford.


WFV, Temple Newsam, 15th November, 2011

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Tue, 15th Nov 2011, 7:50pm
The LakeThe LakeThe minibus met up with several people who had travelled by car for today's outing to Temple Newsam. As our group of 16 gathered in the car park we spotted a kestrel being persistently mobbed by a magpie. Marilyn was our leader for the day and handed out maps of the grounds so people could explore as they wished. For the morning the group stuck together and walked through woodland looking for fungi. The weather was dull and grey but it remained dry. We found a good variety of fungi including shaggy parasol, wood blewitt, stinkhorn and puffballs. There was an extensive cluster of sulphur tuft on a stump alongside a little smoky bracket. The final fungi count was 31.Jelly EarJelly Ear Most of the group had lunch by the lake before splitting off to do different things. Some continued the fungal foray and others chose to look around Temple Newsam House. We were pleasantly surprised when the sun made an appearance and it remained sunny all afternoon. It really brought the autumn colours to life. 25 birds were seen. Apart from a probable but unconfirmed sighting of fieldfare we saw goldfinch, jay, pied wagtail and greater spotted woodpecker. Most ended the day with refreshments in the tea room and a tame little sparrow eagerly cleared up the scone crumbs. A lovely day out.


WFV, Anglers Country Park, 1st November 2011

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Mon, 7th Nov 2011, 10:51pm
Haw Park WoodHaw Park WoodThirteen members boarded the minibus at the new departure point of the Unitarian Church for today’s annual fungi foray trip. This year the destination was Anglers Country Park where we were joined by Peter who was the greenest of us all, having used his intimate knowledge of local public transport to convey himelf from Huddersfield to Wintersett. We were all greeted with a lovely bright late autumn day as we followed Joan, assisted by Veronica, through the wooded part of Anglers before lunch and into Haw Park Wood afterwards. We had visited this location last year and had been impressed by the variety of fungi and thought that it merited a return. We were not disappointed. A total of 44 fungi were recorded during the day together with 2 slime moulds and 1 dog lichen. Fly Agaric GroupFly Agaric Group The highlight was undoubtedly the vast array of fly agaric seen almost at the end of the day which delighted the entire group - and sent Maddy into raptures! The bird count of 24 would surely have been greater if the fungi hadn’t occupied us to the extent that we didn’t have time to properly survey both lakes. Alice did her usual excellent recording job and managed to log an amazing 33 plants in flower – not bad for November! A solitary Red Admiral gave us a butterfly record and rounded off a very productive day which stretched an hour over its appointed time, resulting in traffic congestion on our journey back and a later than planned return to Bradford. However, everyone agreed that it had been a great day out and it was a happy minibus load that eventually returned home.


WFV, Castle Howard Arboretum, 25th October, 2011

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Tue, 1st Nov 2011, 9:00pm
Lake ViewLake ViewThere was an air of excitement and anticipation as we set off from Bradford en route for Castle Howard arboretum - Kew in the north of England. 13 people travelled in the minibus and 4 by car. The arboretum is situated in the grounds of Castle Howard stately home and nestles in the Howardian hills NE of York. It contains specimen trees from all over the world collected as seeds and valuable for research and conservation purposes. The weather was overcast but brightened as the day progressed. There was much to interest the group. The beauty of the trees, more especially the colourful acers including the red maple acer, acer rubria and the red oak. The short tree trail was followed by the main party to the Cruck House. Others wandered down the Furniture Makers Walk and around the arboretum lake. The arboretum has some remarkable old oak trees including English and sessile oak, also native whitebeam and elm. Betula ermanii, Erman's BirchBetula ermanii, Erman's BirchThe carved wooden sculptures were of interest. 25 species of bird were recorded by Stuart including the first redwings of the season and a flock of siskins. A sculpture of an osprey was seen on the lake. 12 fungi species including fly agaric and earth star fungi were seen. Of interest was a swarm of ladybirds on a tree bark, also a green shield bug. A toad was spotted. It was an interesting and relaxing day out enhanced by the availability of a cafe offering tea and cakes which the group gravitated towards the end of their visit. We returned to the Italian centre for approximately 6pm.


WFV Rodley Nature Reserve, October 18th 2011

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Tue, 25th Oct 2011, 8:32pm
PondPondThe minibus had a day off today as about a dozen participants travelled in cars to Rodley Nature Reserve. This local reserve is far from new to our group but is an old favourite. On arrival we were greeted by a heavy shower and strong winds and a rainbow came into view. We headed for shelter in the visitor centre where we enjoyed the warm hospitality of June, our leader for the day alongside Peter and Barbara who are volunteers at Rodley. Whilst we enjoyed a hot drink Peter gave us a talk about recent developments at the reserve and species we should look out for. The visitor centre has been extended since our last visit and is certainly very spacious and comfortable. Our group was then left to explore the reserve at our leisure.SpindleSpindle About 12 species of fungi were seen, most notable being the group of shaggy inkcaps in the meadow. We were pleasantly surprised to find 71 plants in flower. One of the botanical highlights was the beautiful pink spindle fruit. We did have to dodge heavy downpours and gusty winds but we also enjoyed long sunny periods. At least we could shelter in the hides between showers and we had lunch in the warmth of the visitor centre. Birding highlights were a flock of linnets over the crop field, and a water rail seen on the wet grassland from the reedbed hide. Little grebe, great crested grebe, reed bunting, cormorant and gadwall were also seen. In spite of the weather we had a lovely time and we are grateful to June, Peter and Barabara for helping to make this such an enjoyable day.


Harvest complete

Submitted by julia on Thu, 13th Oct 2011, 11:32am

On Monday, the day after Apple Day, I picked almost all the remaining fruit. I was there so the portable toilet could be collected and thought it was a good opportuntiy to make sure the remaining apples were collected. Some of the Blenhiem Orange and Kidd's Orange Red may have prefered another week on the tree but it felt a good compromise. Now the fruit needs sorting and distributing. If there are any orchard volunteers out there who haven't yet asked for apples please let us know as soon as possible.

I will complete the harvesting log and attach it to the website here.