Canal Road Greenway

Gaisby Lane, off Canal Road

Today we returned to Gaisby Lane to rectify the vandalism that had been perpetrated on the avenue of Ginkgo biloba trees. 

Seven out of the eleven trees had been snapped; none of them were dead, but the regrowth from low on the stem would prevent the landscaped avenue developing as planned by the architect for the Canal Road Greenway. Some of the damaged trees were replanted at further along the Greenway, nearer Shipley. The others were donated to Stoney Ridge Plantation, Cliffe Castle and Lower Fields and Peel Park Primary schools.

We replanted 3 of the trees today, the rest will be planted next week. The crucial thing was to make sure each of the trees were securely guarded to offer some protection. This was a tough job, digging though building rubble to secure the posts, cutting the wire to size and straining into position. However the task of lifting the heavy standard trees over the fence was made easier with the use of the Culture Fusion genie lift. 

We ended up in two shifts with some volunteers staying to help finish today's cages once the postcrete had set. Thanks again to Shipley College students for their involvement today. 

We will complete this job next week.