WFV Indoor meeting Southern Africa Tuesday 20th March 2012

Submitted by Wildlife Field… on Tue, 20th Mar 2012, 9:02pm
While the sun shone outside 14 of us gathered in the Unitarian Church Hall for a fascinating afternoon when we were shown images of the wild life of South Africa by June and Julia. June was keen to show us some images of cheetah and desert elephants that she had taken at close range on her trip to Nambia three years ago. Julia showed us a wealth of images of birds, mammals and flowers taken on a family trip to S.E Africa by her brother a South African resident. The trip had started in Johannesburg and had taken the tribe through the Drakensberg mountains to the Kruger National Park. The scenery of the Drakensberg which included basalt platforms and steep wooded slopes was spectacular. The wildlife of the Kruger including elephants, hippos, crocodiles, wilderbeast, several antelope species, lizards and numerous colourful bird species was breathtaking. We were fully absorbed. Alice gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the Bees group to June and Julia for entertaining us so well.


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